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The Deception of The Masquerade

Once upon a time, there was a mask called the masquerade mask,
but thi story is not about the mask. This is a story of a man deception.
It was about two years ago, a man pretend to be someone else
badmouth, causing ruckus to the real person, and I was involved 
in the case somehow.

For a years and until now no one knows who is he
the who pretend, a good actor, and yet
he successfully put me under his deception make me
believe what he said. Back then I was too naive, easily
believe what others told me. But thanks to him now 
I know that I was too naive, and start to not
believe in anyone else.

He somehow dragged me into the case
and he succesfully lie in front of everyone,
Im so sorry for the victim, an innocent young girl
who doesnt know how to do like the pretender do.
Somehow I was thinking about the case, and I know 
who is the real person responsible to this case
but what over is over, I just stay silent 
without talk to anyone about  it.

Why I dont realize it earlier?


The Haunted Love

   Once upon a time , there was a word, a feeling in a faraway land haunted 
anyone who have a feelings. Love, a words describe a subjective feelings.
I also a human that have a feelings, who can also fall in love. That one day 
I fall in love, but never have the guts to tell her my feelings. For a few years 
I kep that feelings and its haunting me, and one day later I think im ready to tell her,
but it was just a dream, yet I told her about my feelings, 
and the her reaction like I tell her a stupid joke when no one
laugh because iit was not fun at all. And still even I know her hearts 
is not mind, and I kept trying to forget that feeling, It kept Haunting me
ever since ~        

P/S : malay version coming soon (probably I can wrote more in malay)  

Once upon a time - story 2


     The story continue, this is a story of a demon hearted young man whom everyone afraid of.
And the everyone is actually no one. On that day the demon hearted young man who had fall
in love for the first time, he suddenly being called by his demon teacher for a help. He ignore
his feeling because he always do that. He then walk with his friends group follow their demonic
teacher. Walk slowly behind the teacher, at the same time talk to each other. They go to help the teaher
pickup a PA system but actually they doesnt know what was it. Then in front of the pcikup truck which
brought the PA system to the school, ask the teacher "er, teacher what that thing that you want us to
pick ? ", the the teacher reply, "eh, It was nothing just a set of PA system" followed by his demonic laugh.
Then the demon hearted young man and his friends help the teacher lift the PA system.

        Finished helping the teacher, they than walk to the class walking a like a group of demons.
Sitting on the same chair or maybe the other chair but same table, they begin talking.Staring the big tree
within the school area. His mind gone to the world of though and imagination, imagine the darknest thing

To be continue later~

Cinta pertama-ku ?

  Pertanyaan yang bermain dalam fikiran korang : apa motif dia neh ? sekejap BI, sekejap BM.. =_=

      Pertama sekali, kan dah tertulis kat atas "do stupid things" (translation : buat benda bodoh, hhoho), apa yang aku mengaruti pon tidak diketahui, mungkin cuma benda buduh agaknya. Sebenarnya aku memang nak taip dalam BI, tapi aku tidak begitu mahir dalam menyusun kata dalam bahasa inggeris dan "post" ni sebenarnya aku olah kembali dari note aku di facebook. Note asal di facebook aku rasanya lebih mengarut la.
       "first love", aku tak pasti sama ada ianya layak digelar begitu kerana aku tidak pernah meluahkan isi hatiku kepadanya. Tapi ianya merupakan kali pertama aku merasai suatu perasaan yang digelar "cinta", "angau" dan yang seangkatan dengannya dalam kata lain, pertama kali aku jatuh cinta.
       Ingin sekali aku mulai dengan kisah sebelumnya, tetapi langsung tiada kena mengena, jadi aku akan mulai penulisan ini dengan kisah yang bermula pada Februari 2008, iaitu kira-kira 3 tahun yang lepas iaitu semasa aku masih bersekolah dan pada masa itu aku baru tingkatan tiga. Dan pada februari 2008, aku mula menghadiri kelas tuisyen oleh kerana tahun itu aku bakal menduduki Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR),
dan juga kerana ibu bapaku mendesak. Kebetulan rakan sekelasku turut menghadiri kelas tuisyen yang sama.
Maka bermulalah perjalanan hari-hari yang meletihkan kerana setiap hari persekolahan ada tuisyen di petangnya.
      Nak dijadikan cerita, pada suatu masa dahulu, eh pada suatu hari yang tidak berapa aku ingat, ada dua orang pelajar perempuan baru kat situ. Disebabkan pada masa tu aku entah macam mana boleh jadi macam takut nak bercakap dengan perempuan. Bila di kelas tuisyen macam biasa kalau cikgu ada buat lawak, aku ketawa, kalau cikgu lewat masuk sembang-sembang dulu., tetapi kali ini lain sedikit kerana dengan kehadiran dua pelajar perempuan tersebut aku terasa janggal sedikit.  Walaupun sedikit janggal aku selalu ikut kawan-kawan berborak dengan pelajar-pelajar perempuan tersebut.
       Selepas beberapa bulan, bulan puasa juga dah berlalu atau mungki belum sebab aku dah tak berapa ingat, tapi yang pasti hari itu bukanlah hari di bulan puasa, hari itu aku hadirkan diri ke kelas tuisyen dengan seorang kawan. Disebabkan kami berdua merupakan yang terawal, kelas maih lagi kosong. Selepas duduk dan berborak sedikit, kawan aku meminta diri untuk ke tandas, dan tinggal la aku keseorangan di dalam kelas. Dalam sepuluh minit selepas itu, kawanku masih belum keluar dari tandas. Tiba-tiba aku terdengar pintu kelas dibuka, lalu aku toleh ke arah pintu, rupanya salah seorang pelajar perempuan, biarlah aku labelkan dia sebagai "A", kalau letak nama malu pulak dia. Dalam pada itu aku sebenarnya tengah menconteng kertas A4 yang selalu aku bawa di dalam fail. Seketika kemudian aku menjauhkan pemandangan dari kertas buat seketika, dan ketika itulah aku terpandang "A" (bukannya aku tak pernah pandang dia), dia kelihatan seperti bersinar bagaikan bidadari (tapi mungkin bidadari lebih hebat kot, aku belum pernah melihat bidadari lagi selama hidup ini). Aku terpegun seketika, dalam pada masa yang sama jantungku berdegup kencang. Seketika kemudian rakanku yang tadinya di tandas masuk kembali ke dalam kelas, jantungku beransur-ansur tenang.(apa kes aku ni, tandas sumanye ada)
      Selepas hari itu aku cuba mengabaikan perasaan itu walaupun seringkali dia muncul di dalam fikiranku.
Selepas beberapa bulan berlalu, peperiksaan PMR hampir tiba (entah bulan berapa PMR masa tu), suatu hari  ketika dalam perjalanan ke kelas, aku dan kengkwan bercakap tentang benda-benda yang langsung
"out of topic" dari subjek PMR, secara tidak sengaja aku bertanyakan kawan aku sama ada dia ada menyimpan nombor handphone si A. Mendengar jawapan kawan aku yang selamba menulis nombor si A
di atas sehelai kertas. Hatiku gembira entah kenapa. Selang beberapa minggu, peperiksaan PMR pun dah selesai. Bermula pada malam selepas PMR aku cuba mesej si A. Si A membalas mesejku, alangkah happy-nya aku masa tu. Permainan mesej-mesej pun bermula. Ada waktunya si A langsung tak balas mesej aku, tapi aku cub lagi keesokan harinya, dan baru ada mesej dari si A. Entah macam mana , aku tulis mesej
yang terlebih over konfiden kat si A, tapi bukan mesej tentang perasaanku. Selang beberapa bulan,
keputusan SPM keluar, aku malu dengan result aku, 5A 3B sahaja. Aku dah hilang contact dengan si A,
dia dah tukar nombor handphone, mungkin sebab aku ni kacau dia je. Begitulah ceritanya selama satu tahun, rasanya tak perlulah aku ceritakan yang sambungannya, lagipun korang nak baca ke banyak sangat?
Kalau nak gak, comment la guna facebook kat bawah ni ye.

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Once upon a time - story 1

         Once upon a time, in a land faraway..
there was a a demon hearted young man whom everyone afraid of.
one day the demon hearted young man walk around his school.
Suddenly he saw a girl sitting on a chair.
The kind hearted young man said " what a cute girl."
Then he sit on the other chair.  With demon face he look at the girl.
Suddenly, a figure appear or rather called the demon group come to the faraway land.
The demon hearted young man who was siting on a chair said, " yo my fellow friend, whats take your time
to come here?", then one of the demon group said "well, its nothing, we just hangout somewhere, luckily the
techer has'nt come yet.

          Suddenly a demon figure appear, or rather called the demon teacher.
The demon hearted young man who was siting on a chair watch the teacher walk.
and said "welcome teacher."
And the the demon teacher start teaching. While teaching session take place,
the demon hearted young man who was siting on a chair saw somethin floating.
But it just a demon bug flyingaround. But the demon hearted young man was not taken aback by fear.
Then he beat the demon bug. Suddenly he felt something inside his throat and said " eh ".
Then he saw again the girl sitting on the chair and felt something in his throat again.
then he said "is this love". The  holy though of him said "its just shit you have no heart"
Then suddenly the demon hearted young man
 had fall in love for the first time.

To be continue..


If you can read this, then it mean your internet shall be okay, and you have succesfully open this blog and also mean this site had been published.
As you read this, I currently thinking about something (yea, who's the hell can stop thinking?)
Well, welcome to my blog, this blog I will use for personal purpose and hobbies.

What you gonna find here :

        well as you can see I just publish the first post, so there would not be other content yet or maybe there are some. And yet I still thinking what I want to do with this Blog. So I don't know what you will find here. LOL!
       It just suddenly comes to my mind and say "maybe I should make a blog in blogspot (cuz idk anything
about wordpress). By the way idk is i dont know, and btw is by the way if dont know yet.