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Once upon a time - story 2


     The story continue, this is a story of a demon hearted young man whom everyone afraid of.
And the everyone is actually no one. On that day the demon hearted young man who had fall
in love for the first time, he suddenly being called by his demon teacher for a help. He ignore
his feeling because he always do that. He then walk with his friends group follow their demonic
teacher. Walk slowly behind the teacher, at the same time talk to each other. They go to help the teaher
pickup a PA system but actually they doesnt know what was it. Then in front of the pcikup truck which
brought the PA system to the school, ask the teacher "er, teacher what that thing that you want us to
pick ? ", the the teacher reply, "eh, It was nothing just a set of PA system" followed by his demonic laugh.
Then the demon hearted young man and his friends help the teacher lift the PA system.

        Finished helping the teacher, they than walk to the class walking a like a group of demons.
Sitting on the same chair or maybe the other chair but same table, they begin talking.Staring the big tree
within the school area. His mind gone to the world of though and imagination, imagine the darknest thing

To be continue later~


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