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The Haunted Love

   Once upon a time , there was a word, a feeling in a faraway land haunted 
anyone who have a feelings. Love, a words describe a subjective feelings.
I also a human that have a feelings, who can also fall in love. That one day 
I fall in love, but never have the guts to tell her my feelings. For a few years 
I kep that feelings and its haunting me, and one day later I think im ready to tell her,
but it was just a dream, yet I told her about my feelings, 
and the her reaction like I tell her a stupid joke when no one
laugh because iit was not fun at all. And still even I know her hearts 
is not mind, and I kept trying to forget that feeling, It kept Haunting me
ever since ~        

P/S : malay version coming soon (probably I can wrote more in malay)  


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